Closing a Batch Ticket is the process of validating the completion of a batch in the ISI OD program.
- Begin by selecting the BATCHES tab on the ISI OD window.
- Next move to the SEARCH BAR. You can operate this in two ways.
- Enter the formula number in the search bar and hit enter.
- Click enter in the empty search field.
- Prior to hitting enter in the search field, make sure all the boxes beneath the search engine are not checked. Otherwise, the search will only include the marked box.
- When you hit enter a new OPEN BATCH TICKETS window opens.
- Double click the batch you wanna close.
- Click the RESET USAGE icon.
- With this command notice the codes and amounts updated on the right side of the batch ticket.
- Now click on the first formula listed in the code column and highlight that line.
- Click enter or tab twice to move to the column T_ between the code and amount columns.
- Enter the batch number for the first item used and hit return three times to input the next ingredients batch number.
- Please also be aware if there were additions made to the batch. If yes, you’ll need to change the blending amount as well.
- Continue this process until all batch numbers and amounts are input for each component.
- Once finished, click the COMPLETED button.
- A window opens click yes if complete or no if there are errors that need correcting,
- Click YES to finalize the data entry.
- Close the window and select SAVE so the batch is changes are complete.